Here are a few ways you can help GET INVOLVED:
is looking for volunteers at events and in our offices in Los Angeles, CA. You will make a huge difference in so many lives and on top of that you will inspire those around you to be active and do something positive in their own communities.
You can sign up on our volunteer list on the homepage of our website. We send out emails to this mailing list periodically when we are looking for volunteers. We also do “call outs” for event volunteers on Facebook.
Throw A fundraiser
We encourage anyone to consider throwing a fundraiser for Keep A Breast. From small concerts, to a community garden or even monthly events at your local farmers market venue can become a benefit show/fundraiser to increase awareness and raise funds for Non Toxic Revolution outreach programs! We will provide you with the necessary educational materials to educate your peers. We want to work with you during the planning process as well as provide you with promotional tools to help make your event a success.
You can donate directly to The Keep A Breast Foundation’s Non Toxic Revolution. Your donation will go to youth outreach and education of breast cancer prevention.
Or you can donate by sending cash, check, and/or money order to:
Keep A Breast Foundation Non Toxic Revolution
7168 Mohawk Trail
Yucca Valley, CA 92284
If you would like to donate in honor of someone please include their name and an address for the family, with your donation, so we may send them an acknowledgement. If you are interested in a memorial donation, we are so grateful you have turned to us during this time.
Donations above $250 will automatically receive a tax-deductible receipt. If you would like a receipt for a donation under this amount, please email info@keep-a-breast.org.