DIY Coffee Sugar Scrub with Groundwork Coffee Organic Grounds!
Photo by Pam Muhart
What's better than gifting something you made with your hands? We made some non toxic holiday gifts that you would be proud to give your loved ones this season.
This time we made Coffee Sugar Scrubs that are yummy and non toxic! Groundwork Coffee helped us out and gave us some of their amazing organic coffee for these DIY scrubs. Your skin is your largest organ, and when you apply personal care products to your skin, especially body parts you shave, pluck or wax, the ingredients from these products may enter your bloodstream. It is just as important to use organic body care products, as it is to eat healthy, pesticide-free foods.
We are stoked to drink and use Groundwork coffee for these scrubs because they search the world for coffees that best express the qualities of a particular variety, region, or process. From Africa to Indonesia to Latin America, they build relationships with coffee farmers and communities to acquire the best certified organic, fairly traded and direct traded coffees from many countries around the world.
Supporting businesses, like Groundwork Coffee, that share your values is the best way to vote with your dollar and demand a future that is non toxic for our bodies and our communities.
We've also teamed up with Aura Cacia to make sure these holiday scent gifts don't contain any nasty synthetic fragrance. The ingredient "fragrance" can contain an average of 14 chemicals that aren't listed on the label, and in most cases, 80% of those chemicals haven't been tested for human safety. Around this time of year, there are a MANY scrubs with "holiday" scents. Cinnamon! Peppermint! Pine! All the good smells, but most are made from synthetic fragrance. We prefer to use the more natural and safer alternative, essential oils (but make sure you use them correctly.)
Since everyone couldn't make to our Los Angeles-based workshop, we wanted to give you the recipes of our non toxic holiday coffee sugar scrubs!
Non Toxic Holiday Coffee Sugar Body Scrubs
- 1/4 organic coffee grounds (dried out used or fresh grounds)
- 1/4 cup organic brown sugar
- 3 teaspoons carrier oil (we love sweet almond, olive, or jojoba)
- 3-5 drops essential oil of choice (organic if possible, we love peppermint, cinnamon, lavender, or vanilla)
- 4 oz mason jar or other container
- Combine coffee and sugar in a bowl
- Add carrier oil
- Add essential oils (one or a mix)
- Mix with a spoon
- Scoop mixture into jar
- Close and enjoy!
- Use on dampened skin, apply and wash off