Tell Albertsons (and all the stores they own) That You're Tired Of Toxic Products!

Tell Albertsons:
Turn up the heat on toxic chemicals this summer
A growing body of science has linked exposure to hazardous chemicals, commonly found in some products, to chronic diseases like cancer and asthma. Chemicals that can harm our families shouldn’t be lurking on store shelves. New research shows that Albertsons sells products containing toxic chemicals like formaldehyde-releasers, lead and parabens. Researchers even found harmful chemicals in store brand products, such as sensitive skin body wash and kids’ bubble bath, sold by Albertsons.
Some retailers like Walmart, Target and CVS, are making meaningful progress in tackling toxic chemicals in products. But in the first-ever report card grading the largest retailers on toxic chemicals, Albertsons earned a grade of F with 12.5 points out of 130. The company has no public safer chemicals policy in place and has given no public indication that it intends to take action on this critical issue.
Albertsons is one of the top grocery chains in the US with subsidiaries like Safeway, Jewel-Osco, Acme, Shaw's and Randalls and a total of 2,200 stores across the country. Albertsons has a responsibility to keep toxic chemicals off its shelves.
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This summer, tell Albertsons to turn up the heat on toxic chemicals!
Ways to get involved!
Call Albertsons and Let Them Know!
TAKE ACTION: Tell Albertsons to turn up the heat on toxic chemicals this summer! Will you take a minute to call customer service for Albertsons, the parent company of [STORE NAME]?
1. Call (877) 276-9637. When you hear the recording, press 1.
2. You can use these talking points. Feel free to put it in your own words and speak from the heart.
I’m calling about toxic chemicals in your products.
I’m concerned that [STORE NAME] sells products containing chemicals that are dangerous for our health.
I want to trust that the products I buy from your company are safe.
- Please develop a comprehensive safer chemicals policy to promote safer chemicals in all your products. [STORE NAME] should be a leader on this important issue. Thank you!
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Monica Schrock
Monica is a vegan, coffee and comics loving, non-toxic lifer who has her own cruelty-free body care company, Bare Bones Body Care. When she’s not advocating for public health, animals, or the environment, you will most likely catch her drinking coffee, playing basketball, or laughing uncontrollably.